Solar Innovations Co-developed by NZ's Enasolar

By Kristy Hoare on in New Solar Technology

It's no surprise New Zealanders have high expectations for our solar power technology; after all we're the pluckiest of the bunch! With these expectations in mind, I'm proud to announce a radical new product called the immerSUN PV Hot Water Controller, co-developed by Christchurch based company Enasolar. The ImmerSUN system allows the solar energy you produce to meet your direct power demand, i.e. powering your toaster and vacuum. Then, once your power needs are met, the excess energy is stored as hot water in your home's hot water cylinder, and any remaining excess power is sent to the grid. This technology gives you the highest possible return from your solar power system. Pretty cool!

It's an answer to an issue I have talked about on the blog, called solar power self-consumption, or using the most solar power possible before sending it to the grid.  While sending power to the grid isn't a bad thing, you want to make sure you utilize the maximum amount before sending any excess grid side.  

Included in the ImmerSUN package is an integrated online reporting monitor where you can see the production of the solar power against the measurement of your direct power consumption, the amount being used by your hot water cylinder and the amount exported to the grid. By using a small control panel, with a neat LCD screen, the PV Hot Water Controller is user friendly, and a great tool to help you identify peak solar power usage for further energy saving.

Another great feature of immerSUN technology is the automatic adjustment based on your home's needs. If the demand from the house increases, the PV Hot Water Controller will automatically adjust to meet the demand. The system also features advanced boost options for days when there isn't enough solar energy. This thing has you covered, whether sunny or cloudy.

Thanks to ImmerseSUN's technology, it's possible to achieve a higher ROI from your solar power system. With a 3kW system, if you use half the amount of power produced you'll earn a 9% ROI, but if you use all your solar power you can earn a 10% ROI, and with an $11,000 or $12,000 investment 1% ROI can make a significant difference!

Enasolar's ImmerSUN technology is another advance in high efficiency solar power systems, which makes me proud to be a Kiwi. We are helping set the standard for solar power systems everywhere. The future is looking bright!


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