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Reviews From Solar Power System Owners

We have asked people that brought a solar power system after getting 3 quotes through My Solar Quotes how their solar power systems are going! We asked:
What size system did you install?
How long has your solar power system been running for?
How did you find the solar installation?
How have you found the performance of the solar power system?
Do you have any other comments that you would like to share with New Zealanders thinking about going solar?

Chris, Nelson/Tasman


Review Date: 29/09/2016

Size: 2.34 kW

Running for: 3 Months

Comments on the installation: "Installers turned up when they said they would. Carried out the total job in a couple of hours which was impressive."
Comments on the system performance: "As the days get longer we see an increase in production of course. During the winter months, believe we have saved at least 30% on our power bills, but as this is a new house with electric only heating, it could be an even higher saving."
Advice: "Due to low buy back rates in New Zealand, believe solar investment gives the best return only if you can use your appliances (e.g., dishwasher, washing machine, iron, vacuum cleaner, oven) during the hours of production - pre-programming on appliances makes this quite possible even if you're not at home during the day. Love the idea of reducing our carbon footprint, but think there should be more incentives for more people to do so."

John, Upper Hutt, Wellington

Review Date: 27/09/2016

Size: 5.2 kW (we wanted to maximise the use of the garage roof space)

Running for: 2 Months

Comments on the installation: "Very painless installation, very respectful installers, took two days due to the weather. I would recommend that people seriously consider "What Power Crisis" (our installer)."

Comments on the system performance: "The system is performing as expected. We are saving money on our power bills. I think it has reduced them by a third. So far this month (September) we have generated an average of 11.1 kw each day."

Advice: "I would recommend considering going solar. I think picking the right supply plan is important. Our hot water is on a timer for daytime heating only, as is the deep freeze in the garage."

Charles, Waimakariri, Canterbury

Review Date: 04/09/2016

Size: 4 kW

Running for: 2 Months

Comments on the installation: "The Installation went smoothly. The Installers took only about a day to do the entire installation and answered all my questions during the process."

Comments on the system performance: "In spite of it being winter right now, we are quite pleased with the Solar System. We purchased the Power Genie along with the enlighten inverters and are happy with being able to use over 90% of what we generate. We have compared our last two months of generation and according to Contact Energy, we are saving at least 25% of our power bill. We hope to save even more during the Summer months."

Advice: "If you go solar, don't hesitate to go with the Solar Genie to maximize your use of what you generate. Why get paid only a fraction of what the power companies charge you for your own energy generation. Use as much as you can."

Rosemary & David, Palmerston North, Manawatu-Whanganui

Review Date: 03/08/2016

Size: 3 kW

Running for: 3 Months

Comments on the installation: "Superb - very helpful in explaining what they were doing and how the system works."

Comments on the system performance: "Way more than we expected at this time of the year!"

Advice: "Make sure you get a good Power company that has a good invoicing system that is easily understood, and has a positive attitude towards solar power."

John, Whangarei, Northland

Review Date: 28/07/2016

Size: 2.5 kW

Running for: 49 days (I keep a running log)

Comments on the installation: "Yes they respected our property and were very proficient, despite inclement weather."

Comments on the system performance: "Yes, the providers forecast have been spot on for June and July."

Advice: "Yes, we are saving about half the kWh on our previous power bills, because we're very conscious of switching off lights in unattended rooms, running laundry and dishwashers in separate times of day, etc despite being the lowest solar energy in mid-winter months."

Anne, Nelson/Tasman

Review Date: 27/07/2016

Size: 3.6 kW

Running for: 5 months

Comments on the installation: "We went through your company and asked the 3 companies locally to quote. We choose Solar Electric Technology in Richmond, because they were responsive, explained the pros and cons, visited promptly and had good knowledge, only took one day to install."

Comments on the system performance: "We have been delighted with our savings, we can use nearly all we make because we are home all day and can switch on and off to ensure efficiency."

Advice: "If people use Elios4you they can monitor and manage their use very effectively, reducing their power bills and having instant access to their own solar energy. Very positive impact."

Todd, Papamoa, Tauranga

Review Date: 08/04/2016

Size: 3.5 kW

Running for: 3 months

Comments on the installation: "Excellent, previous feedback given."

Comments on the system performance: "It is going really well. Over the past 3 months we have save $455.77 based on our average power bill over the preceding 12 months. Based on some calculations I have made, the system will be paid off from the savings, after 7 years."

Advice: "Definitely worth it if you don't let the savings get absorbed into the "big black hole" we are planning to pay the savings off our mortgage."

Bob, Far North, Northland

Review Date: 06/05/2016

Size: 3 kW

Running for: 2 months

Comments on the installation: "The installer was great and very pleased with the care taken by the installers."

Comments on the system performance: "Very pleased with the system and the feed back from Enphase is great would recommend the system."

Advice: "The system is great once installed there is no further action required and Enphase keeps us informed of the power we are producing."

Rick, Wellington

Review Date: 12/05/2016

Size: 1 kW

Running for: 2.5months

Comments on the installation: "The installers were very good and the install was pretty quick."

Comments on the system performance: "Because of the time of year it was installed it has not really produced to full capacity yet. It has saved us a small amount of money so far but is within our expectations."

Advice: "I definitely think it was worthwhile and I'm looking forward to battery technology improving and becoming affordable enough for energy storage to become feasible."

Alan, Central Otago, Otago

Review Date: 11/06/2016

Size: 5 kW

Running for: 2 months

Comments on the installation: "Installers impressive on PR, speed , tidyness and confident of their know how. Explained what they were doing and why, GREAT

Comments on the system performance: "So far our system has been running during the grimmest time of the year. Poor weather short days,all day fogs,hoare frost and snow. The system has been at least what we expected, goes well under fog cover! We are still learning to use it most efficiently but our power bills so far are about half even though one of the two is an estimate that is obviously a bit over."

Advice: "Ask me again in 12 months and I will really know. I expect it to do much better in summer to offset winter performance. We have an old "Centimeter" in our kitchen that tells us how many grid kW we are using, when the solar is running it tells us how much is being exported.....it takes a little playing to decide if we are importing or exporting. The panels certainly produce what they were designed to produce when everything is ideal weather wise."

Andrew, Wellington

Review Date: 27/06/2016

Size: 2 kW

Running for: 2 Weeks

Comments on the installation: "The installers and salesperson were awesome. Responded quickly to any concerns or issues."

Comments on the system performance: "It's too early to know yet."

Advice: "I would have liked more information on, for example, analysing our power use and how to make the best use of our system. For example, are there user groups to join to ask questions."

Philip, Christchurch, Canterbury

Philip, Christchurch

Review Date: 01/07/2016

Size: 5 kW

Running for: 4 months

Comments on the installation: "They were 10 out of 10."

Comments on the system performance: "I find that I need 30 panels not 20. In the winter time we are saving about $120 a month."

Advice: "It is good, clean and the sun gives it to you free. 7 years it will be paid of. NZ Solar were the best."

Tony, Nelson/Tasman

Review Date: 10/03/2016

Size: 2.1 kW

Running for: 1 month

Comments on the installation: "Solar Technology were great. They gave advice, followed up and let us know when there was a delay due to Christmas. Have answered all our queries. Excellent service."

Comments on the system performance: "Solar system has so far performed better than we expected. We will have halved our actual power cost when refund is included.  Over the first 28 days we generated 313kwh. We used 149 kwh of what we produced, we imported 196kwh, so in these 28 days we will pay $49 and save $50."

Advice: "Yes. Get quotes, use SEANZ member. Research value of system,and size needed. We are going to follow up with perhaps a couple more panels facing more NE to get morning sun and will investigate battery storage systems."

Bart, Hastings, Hawke's Bay

Bart, Hastings

Review Date: 28/02/2016

Size: 4 kW

Running for: 2 months

Comments on the installation: "I found them via the internet and had a good experience with them. Install was within 2 weeks."

Comments on the system performance: "The system works well and the (energy use part of the) power bill has more than halved, but of course it is summer now."

Advice: "Can't wait for batteries to become available at a reasonable price so I can use more of my own power in stead of selling it back at a low price. Time for the power companies to embrace the new future."

Bill, Manukau City, Auckland

Bill, Manukau City

Review Date: 26/02/2016

Size: 2 kW

Running for: 1 months

Comments on the installation: "No problem with PVSolar, In spite of a partnership breakdown they completed the job. Took a little longer however the Christmas break came in the middle of the installation and that accounted for some of the delay."

Comments on the system performance: "The system seems to be producing consistent 8-10 kwh per day at present (Summer in Auckland). Have had only one power bill so far from Mercury for half of January- 173Kwh $47.54 as apposed to 173Kwh whole of January 2015 at $55.33.Non- discounted . So looking like a 8.6% saving."

Advice: "While the short term benefit may not look attractive, over time this has to be a better option than paying ever increasing electricity tarriffs."

Colin, Queenstown-Lakes, Otago

Colin, Queenstown-Lakes

Review Date: 25/02/2016

Size: 6 kW

Running for: 3 months

Comments on the installation: "Very impressed with everyone. Two days and it was all going."

Comments on the system performance: "Great performance. Nearly halved my power bills."

Advice: "Do not be afraid to ask questions and Google as much information as you can find. Research well."

Harvey, Selwyn, Canterbury

Harvey, Selwyn

Review Date: 24/02/2016

Size: 3 kW

Running for: 3 months

Comments on the installation: "A great team got it all installed in a day although they accidentally switched off the hot water cylinder and the sparky had to come back and track it down - all good though!"

Comments on the system performance: "Trouble free since switching on.  Yes - saving about $70 per month which is what I had estimated."

Advice: "Makes us feel a bit more independent of the power companies and their incessant increases."

Sanjay, Papakura, Auckland, Auckland

Review Date: 08/02/2016

Size: 2.5 kW

Running for: 3 months

Comments on the installation: "My Solar was installed and commissioned by "World Solar" and the company gave me a great customer experience. The installers were very competent, qualified and efficient. The Project Manager was very friendly and approachable. He responded promptly to any queries or concerns. He was available in the weekends as well. World Solar went an extra-mile in helping me negotiate an Import-Export Meter from my electricity supplier. I am very thankful to this Company."

Comments on the system performance: "The Solar has made a significant difference in my Power Bill and I am happy about making the choice of having Solar to top up my electricity supply."

Advice: "Solar System is an investment that will provide savings to a household in a long run. In addition to this, Solar adds value to your House."

Terry, Porirua, Wellington

Review Date: 07/02/2016

Size: 2kW

Running for: 1.5 months

Comments on the installation: "I was most impressed with the efficiency and expertise displayed by the representatives of What Power Crisis who did the installation. The actual physical work was done in half a day, but Trustpower took several weeks to arrange and complete the electrical connection."

Comments on the system performance: "It has been almost continuously putting out slightly over 2kW per day, obviously due to a magnificent spell of weather in Wellington!"

Advice: "I can't wait for a suitable storage device to be developed so that I can cut my ties with Trustpower completely, I find the seven cents a kWh I get back from them an insult when they are charging me about 30 cents for what they sell to me."

Cedric and Susan, Thames-Coromandel, Waikato

Review Date: 20/01/2016

Size: 2.6 kW

Running for: 3 months

Comments on the installation: "The installers were very competent and a very professional approach to the whole project, Though did miss-measure and drill a hole in our new carpet!"

Comments on the system performance: "The performance has been great and though only a minimum size ,our savings have been about $100 per month."

Advice: "Just do it--all homes should be fitted with solar as of Law. The savings on fuel , oil and pollution would be huge."

Pete, Napier, Hawke's Bay

Review Date: 07/01/2016

Size: 3 kW

Running for: 3 months

Comments on the installation: "Generally fast and tidy, but once installed I had to wait another 2 weeks before it was operational because I had to wait for the inverter."

Comments on the system performance: "It's been good but there is room for improvement. I think a Tesla power wall sometimes in the not too distant future might be one answer."

Advice: "Always bear in mind that peak power consumption is mornings and evenings when solar delivers very little at best."

Paul, Southland

Review Date: 06/01/2016

Size: 3 kW

Running for: 2 months

Comments on the installation: "Installation went well except water heater timer was not installed until about 6 weeks later and water heating was not included in the solar power until the timer was installed. Consequently savings were limited."

Comments on the system performance: "The solar power system appears to be performing well, and seems to be producing plenty of electricity (average 12 to 16kw a day). Not sure if saving money, but may have a better idea when the import/export meter is installed."

Advice: "Too soon to make meaningful comments - maybe in another 6 months."

Gil, Gore, Southland

Review Date: 23/12/2015

Size: 5 kw

Running for: 30 days

Comments on the installation: "I am a builder and think they the whole team were very professional."

Comments on the system performance: "Still working thru that but sure we be on the win."

Advice: "Nothing to lose talked to a friend tonight and they will convert shortly."

Sandra, Rodney, Auckland

Review Date: 26/11/2015

Size: 4 kW

Running for: 7 weeks

Comments on the installation: "Great. Installers were considerate and made sure we were happy with each part of the installation especially the placement of the inverter."

Comments on the system performance: "Yes performance great. Amazed that on some days we were producing more than 4 kW. Since installation early October we have not produced less than 10 kW. Our record day so far was this week when we produced 28.5 kW. Power bill down by $80 the first month but hopefully this will increase with summer."

Advice: "Down side of solar if you are not getting batteries installed is that you still use power at night - TV, lights, oven etc. The power companies charge you around 4x the price for your imported power as your exported power."