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Video Release: The Different Types of Solar Power Systems Available in NZ

Video Release: The Different Types of Solar Power Systems Available in NZ

The growing popularity of solar power has seen an increase in the different types of systems available on the New Zealand market. The team at My Solar Quotes thought it was high time to(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Enphase Opens R&D Solar Components Facility in Christchurch

Enphase Opens R&D Solar Components Facility in Christchurch

Tuesday, 22nd March, will go down in history as the day that Enphase energy officially opened a research and development facility in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The United States(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Increasing Your House Value With Solar Power

Increasing Your House Value With Solar Power

Studies have shown, in recent times, that Australians looking to purchase homes find added value in property's equipped with solar panel systems. The majority of New Zealanders are still(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Rising NZ Solar Power Installation Rates During 2015

Rising NZ Solar Power Installation Rates During 2015

Another year is coming to a close for the Solar Power industry in New Zealand, and again we have witnessed the steady rise of solar power systems being installed in New(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Energy Retailers Tactics To Get Rid Of Solar Power

Energy Retailers Tactics To Get Rid Of Solar Power

I was not surprised at all to hear Meridian Energy's chief executive Mark Binns announce last week that he thinks solar power is producing a social divide.  He said that people who can't(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Lions & Tigers & Solar Generated Electricity?

Lions & Tigers & Solar Generated Electricity?

Zoos are a wonderland of amusement for kids and mind blowing fun and learning about the many great creatures that walk this earth.  What better place to teach children about the exciting(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Sylvia Park Takes A Solar Step Forward

Sylvia Park Takes A Solar Step Forward

You may have heard through popular news networks that Sylvia Park, the sizeable and popular mall located in Auckland, has recently installed solar panels on the roof.

Common sense has prevailed and we can only hope Sylvia Park and its solar initiatives can(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Is Solar Power Worth it in NZ?

Is Solar Power Worth it in NZ?

We don't have any Government incentives such as rebates or feed-in tariffs here in New Zealand, we don't even have great buy-back rates from the electricity companies when selling solar power back to the grid, but yes it's worthwhile, if you have a smart approach you(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand