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My Solar Quotes Blog

SEANZ Conference 2018 - An overview of the Experience; Presentations, Awards and Networking Opportunities

SEANZ Conference 2018 - An overview of the Experience; Presentations, Awards and Networking Opportunities

A whirlwind week has come to a close and it's safe to say this year's SEANZ solar conference was a huge success.  A diverse range of speakers graced the stage, and a deserving line up of(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


NZ Electricity Price Review Report; They Claim Solar Power is Making Poor People Poorer

NZ Electricity Price Review Report; They Claim Solar Power is Making Poor People Poorer

See the full Electricity Price Review on the MBIE website.

The Electricity Price Review was released today, and I am disheartened to find that solar power has, once again, been(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Power Outages, Storms, Solar & Energy Independence

Power Outages, Storms, Solar & Energy Independence

The recent autumn storm blasted winds and cold weather throughout New Zealand, ripping between both Islands, leaving many homes and families without electricity for days, many(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Solar Buddies - Trust Power's New Solar Buy Back Scheme

Solar Buddies - Trust Power's New Solar Buy Back Scheme

New Zealanders have been getting short-changed when it comes to buy back rates for solar power. For the uninformed, a buy back rate is the price paid by electricity(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Solar Power Calculator Reviews NZ

Solar Power Calculator Reviews NZ

Savvy solar enthusiasts and vaguely interested punters alike may have noticed an influx of solar calculators popping up on websites throughout New Zealand recently.   Eager to find out more, I did a little research and came back with some surprising results. Some(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Benefits of Grid Connect Solar Power System in NZ

Benefits of Grid Connect Solar Power System in NZ

Reduce or eliminate your energy bill

Depending on which solar power system size you install, you will see your power bill reduced, if not eliminated, straight(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


The Number of Solar Power Systems in New Zealand

The Number of Solar Power Systems in New Zealand

The amount of solar power systems installed in New Zealand is on the rise!

In August 2013 there were 1,279 solar power systems registered with New Zealand's Electricity Authority,(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand


Energy retailers; Why don't they buy solar power at a good price?

Energy retailers; Why don't they buy solar power at a good price?

One question we are asked almost daily is "Why don't New Zealand energy retailers pay a better price from solar power owners?". Right now, the average buy back rate for solar power is(...)

Posted on in Solar Power New Zealand